Wednesday 12 July 2017

The House

"What a lonely house" mutters a girl with dull eyes, staring at the green curtains across of her.

It was another one of those days.

The quiet days filled with nothing but dreariness.

There in the house resides seven people.

The one who can not hear.

The one with the ability to not interact with anyone for the whole day.

The one who goes in and out of the house trying to fix the world.

The one who has grown old and spoke of nothing but dangerous knives that kills.

The one who works with ignorance.

The one who returns to a silent house.

Seven anomalies living under one roof.

A peaceful house from the outside.

People once spoke of how bright the windows always looked from the outside and the cheerful laughters that accompanies. The house always seems to be singing an enchanting song that enchants every passerby.  Day by day, slowly, like the pages of a book that falls down willingly due to its age, the magic that was once so strong, fades and cripples. The house until now, remains silent. Quiet. Eerie.

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