Sunday 27 August 2017


Are we born to be broken?

Are we supposed to die in shards and pieces?

Are we supposed live our days worrying about our unruly past and hopeless future?

Are we supposed to tire ourselves everyday while nursing the fragility called heart?

Again, are we, born to be broken?

"When will this life ends?"

"I wish to die."

"I'm not good enough for this world."

"Living is too painful."

Breathe in.

"I wish i could go back to the old happy days."

"I don't know why i'm crying."

"I hate myself for being like this."

"I'm tired of myself. I'm tired of this life."

Breathe out.

"Why does no one understands me?"

"They don't understand me."

"No one understands."

Hold out your palm in front of you.
place it on your chest,
it's still beating,
never losing a beat,
never losing hope.

Good things come to those who never give up, never lose hope and continue to live with a hopeful heart. A heart filled with faith. Faith for those with broken hearts. Faith that one day, sooner or later, like the rainbow that comes after a storm, and the sun that rises every morning without fail, peace will come. Victory will be yours.

The battle within is yours to fight. No other warrior no matter how strong can carry your sword for you. No trained soldier can ever shield you from the beast on your path. No one can change your fate if you don't pick up yourself and stride forward. Even if you fell a million times, get up. People can offer you a hand, a solid grip, good food, good company, good vibes, but it's you, it's us, who are the owner of the battle. The unseen battle.

Never give up.
Somewhere out there,
hopeful hearts are rooting for you,
looking after your back,
praying that your rainbow will soon prevail.

No one is born to be broken, in vain.

Setiap manusia pasti akan dilanda ujian yang secara diam,
membuatnya berfikir,
secara diam,
membuka kaca mata dan kotak pemikirannya,
secara diam,
membentuk dirinya ke arah yang lebih matang.

Yakinlah yang apa yang kita lalui sekarang,
bukan bermaksud ingin menyeksa tapi pasti ada hikmahnya.
Pasti ada sebabnya dan andai kita ingin tahu apa sebab dan hikmahnya,
seharusnya kita jangan pernah putus asa.
Terus bangkit.
Walaupun sudah sejuta kali tersungkur.

We might be born to be broken,
but we are not born to be broken in vain.

Have faith.

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