Tuesday, 1 March 2016

An attempt to understand

Too immersed in our lives, we tend to weep over matters we shouldn’t consider a matter. Everything in this world matters but there are certain ordeals that shines greater in importance and relevance to you than other ordeals. Although, those shiny ordeals that might carve a new door to a better outlook in your life may be painted with greys and blacks. So it’s up to us, this life is an unorderly state. Nothing seems as it is. A rock might as well be a flower.

I like to sit alone under the vast sky, with a book and a pen and just me, alone, look up, look around and just think and write and read. Pour your heart out to yourself for no other persona on earth is able enough to carry your heart as a whole. Let your mind carry you to wherever it wants with a pen or in this modernized era, keyboard, be it a white A450L ASUS or a Lenovo S850 model. Be it.
Sad. Freak. My time with books and passion always seems to be taken away. By bustling social medias, those colorfully chosen emojis, carefully strung words, artfully taken pictures, stories of the day, witty, charming, fun, exuberant, disturbing my balance, eyes glued to the screen, time continues like a stream of calm river on it’s finest day.

Hell. How do people in the past live? Would I be happy to live in their era? Could it be as how they pictured it to me? A world where people spent more time outside than inside, family, folks, neighbours, friends, a good strong bond within. People who sweat away in their gardens, farms, job, with happiness. Simple people with a good heart.

Rare. Life has become so mainstream, so fast, so flashy, so, too, much. To the point where now, what’s odd stood out. Those who walk towards the other door, calmer, steadier, vision and mission printed in their brains, flashing a ‘don’t get close’ signal to those who come to obstruct. That determination to get there, to be who they want to be. That calmness that radiates, like a ball of fire orb, hues of yellow, red and blue, lighting they way forward, bringing heat to the cold.

Understand. That I write to let go. To remind. To express. To smile. To weep. To fight. To be me.

Understand. Everyone have something they fight for, they live for, they ponder on, their own historical life, their own colors, their own smile, their own twinkle in the eye, their own happiness, their own darkness, their own hold.

Understand. All these diversity in life, variance, are created for us to learn to understand. To try to understand. That everything has already been woven beautifully. For you and for me. Just, do your ultimate best to understand, every miniscule atom that decided to sneak into your life. Understand.